let ←
is not a definition
Posted on 2023-08-30
by ubikium
Or the deceptive appearance of the do notation.
Proof is cheap. Show me the proof.
Does this function terminate?
def f (xs : List Nat) : Except String Nat := do
let tail ← do
match xs with
| [] => Except.error "empty"
| _ :: tail => Except.ok tail
f tail
Before you answer, I should note that this pattern do come up in real problems.
This specific one is a distilled version of a mutually recursive parser, where the recursive f tail
calls into other parser functions.
Now, to answer the original question: it does terminate.
The proof is as follows: the only case where tail
gets bound is when the list xs
is not empty.
In this case, the bound tail
is the tail of xs
and thus its length is smaller than xs
Good. Next question: how do you write down this proof in Lean? The surprising answer is that you can’t, at least not in this form. Let’s give it a try and see where it breaks down.
def f (xs : List Nat) : Except String Nat := do
let tail ← do
match xs with
| [] => Except.error "empty"
| _ :: tail => Except.ok tail
have : tail.length < xs.length := by sorry
f tail
termination_by f xs => xs.length
The proof state clearly shows that something went wrong.
xs tail : List ℕ
⊢ List.length tail < List.length xs
As we can see, the only constraint on tail
is that its type must be List Nat
There’s nothing to link it with xs
Inside the nested do block, we could use match h : xs with
to extract a hypothesis, but this can not “escape” to the tail
variable bound by the let ←
As a side note, I did try to construct a proof of tail.length < xs.length
and pass it through via Except.ok
, but pattern matching on the proof always fails with an unresolved metavariable error.
Maybe there’s some way to do this in Lean, but I didn’t have any luck finding it.
My first guess is that it’s a limitation of the do
notation: the constraint is lost for variables bound by let ←
Then I tried to directly use the bind
Still no success.
def f' (xs : List Nat) : Except String Nat :=
let tail_except :=
match xs with
| [] => Except.error "empty"
| _ :: tail => Except.ok tail
tail_except >>= fun tail =>
have : tail.length < xs.length := by sorry
f' tail
termination_by f' xs => xs.length
The proof state:
xs : List ℕ
tail_except : Except String (List ℕ) := match xs with
| [] => Except.error "empty"
| head :: tail => Except.ok tail
tail : List ℕ
⊢ List.length tail < List.length xs
Although we have tail_except
as what we need, there’s still nothing to link tail_except
with tail
This works, but why?
I further transformed the example to the most direct form and this time it works.
def f'' (xs : List Nat) : Except String Nat :=
let tail_except :=
match xs with
| [] => Except.error "empty"
| _ :: tail => Except.ok tail
match h : tail_except with
| .error e => .error e
| .ok tail =>
have : tail.length < xs.length := by
cases xs
case nil =>
dsimp at h
case cons hd tl =>
dsimp at h
simp at h
rw [h]
exact Nat.lt_succ_self tail.length
f'' tail
termination_by f'' xs => xs.length
The crucial point is that by using the pattern matching instead of the monad bind, we get this hypothesis: h : tail_except = Except.ok tail
But why doesn’t the monad bind work, while direct pattern matching works?
Bound by bind, I’m thus free
I’m sure that some of you are already screaming the answer at your screen.
It’s pretty clear in the second example, let me add a pair of parentheses to make it even clearer: tail_except >>= (fun tail => f' tail)
It is thus fair that tail_except
and tail
should have no relations: the former is the first argument to bind; the latter is an argument of the second argument to bind.
Since bind can’t establish any relationship between its two arguments in general, it’s indeed understandable that none is available for the proof.
This should be pretty obvious in hindsight, but why did I think it’s possible to do so initially.
On reflection, I realized that my mistake is to think of let ←
as let :=
Despite their similarities, the former is desugared to bind and thus gives no constraints, while the latter generates a definition equivalence premise—you can rewrite the variable to its definition at any time.
The do notation is designed to exploit this similarities between chain bindings and normal chain definitions, but it seems that today, the ambivalence finally caught up and bit me in the tail.
So I guess the lesson here is that let ←
is not a definition, although it looks like one.
A real lesson, though, is that although Frege points out that well-designed symbols can replace (some part of) thinking without sacrificing rigorousness, sometimes a false resemblance may also lead you astray.